In the first few weeks since it went live in the app store, it has been installed by almost 5,000 people. The feedback is flattering and very encouraging (thanks, you know who you are...).
Here's one:
I have been using several other readers which I have not been very pleased with. I have only used your reader for a few minutes and will never look at another reader again. Your reader is the best by far. Thanks for your hard work.
Install it for free from the iTunes App Store.
Checkout this video for a quick demo and see below for a short summary.
I love listening to audiobooks and podcasts on my iPhone but the built in player on the iPhone is really not designed with audiobooks in mind.
My biggest gripe with the built-in player was that if I was in the middle of an audiobook and I wanted to listen to a podcast or some music, I lost my bookmark. Then I had to figure out where exactly I was and navigate back which, with some audiobooks, can be a hassle. The other source of frustration was that it was very hard to skip back a few seconds when my mind wondered off and I missed something important. There's a 30 second rewind button but it is too small and insufficient.
Well, I decided to do something about it and developed an audiobook player for the iPhone.
My player automatically keeps track of where I am in each title I listen to. It has a recents list so I can quickly go back and forth between audiobooks and podcasts I recently listened to. When I choose a title it lands me right back where I left.
Navigation within a title is greatly improved with convenient skip buttons for 10 second, 1 and 10 minute jumps (as well as by track).
The app has a sleep mode (like your TV) so if you fall asleep, it won't continue playing for hours on end.
It has a few more nice features but in the interest of brevity I won't list them all (got to leave some surprises for the video clip... ;-) ).
The fully featured app is free to install for evaluation. After a couple days, assuming you like it and want to continue using it, it will remind you to purchase the app using In-App-Purchase. Nothing more to download. Just purchase for $2.99 to unlock and continue enjoying your audiobooks. I think all apps should be made available for evaluation this way, don't you?
The fully featured app is free to install for evaluation. After a couple days, assuming you like it and want to continue using it, it will remind you to purchase the app using In-App-Purchase. Nothing more to download. Just purchase for $2.99 to unlock and continue enjoying your audiobooks. I think all apps should be made available for evaluation this way, don't you?
Now I can really enjoy my audiobooks and podcasts!
I hope you'll enjoy my app as much as I do. Try it out and send me your feedback.